Faruque Samuel micro flapper robot

Biologically-derived strategies for engineered autonomy.

Feedback Principles for the Next Generation of Autonomy

Both biological and engineered autonomy share common feedback principles, and unifying mathematical models describing these implementations improve our capability to design safe, autonomous, adaptive systems with robust performance.


APG summer group photo

Spring 2025

Fall 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2023

 Fall 2022:

Summer 2022

Spring 2022

January 2022

Our team presented 5 papers at AIAA SciTech Forum in San Diego, and won a Best Paper Award.  Congratulations Brandon & Ujjval!

Fall 2021

August: Our research was highlighted in the ONR Science of Autonomy Review

September: Atmospheric Measurement Technologies has made a tornadic infrasound preprint available for public discussion 

November: We hosted NRL's Aaron Kahn to discuss "minimum complexity autopilots"

December: Christian Coletti defended his MS thesis on active flow control--welcome to our PhD program, Christian!

July: MS defense

Congratulations to Ishriak Ahmed on his successful masters defense!  His defense was on "Multi-insect Visual Tracking and System Identification Techniques for Inflight Feedback Interaction Analysis."  Welcome to our PhD program, Ishriak!

June: Seminars and MS defense

Our research was highlighted in the ONR Bio-Inspired Autonomous Systems Review

Congratulations to Brandon White on his successful masters defense! His defense was on "Measurement and Magnitude Based System Identification of Tornado-Associated Infrasound."

March: Best paper award and IEEE INERTIAL

Congratulations to Brandon White on his "best paper award" in the MS category at AIAA Regional Student Paper Competition for his paper "Preliminary Adaptation of Speech Source Localization Algorithm for Reduced Bandwidth of Interest in Tornadic Infrasound Signals."

Ujjval Patel presented "Sensor fusion to improve state estimate accuracy using multiple inertial measurement units" at IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL).

January: SICB and AIAA SciTech

Ethan Lane presented in the "best paper award" session on at AIAA SciTech Forum on "Insect in-flight kinematic adjustments during ethanol exposure."

Ishriak Ahmed presented “A high speed visual tracking system for analyzing in-flight insect interactions” at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology's annual meeting.

Arif Billah presented “A model for multi-agent group motion inspired by insect visuomotor feedback” at Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology's annual meeting.

Brandon White presented “Preliminary Severe Storm Data from a Mobile Infrasound System,” at AIAA SciTech Forum.

Shady Ahmed presented “Nonlinear Filtering for Simultaneous State Correction and Eddy Viscosity Estimation in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” at AIAA SciTech Forum.

December:  ASA meeting

Brandon White presented “Infrasound measurement of tornadoes and other severe storm events at close range,” in 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.

November: APS-DFD Meeting

A terrific turnout with 38 OKState participants in the 73rd annual APS Division of Fluid Dynamics MeetingTwo of our infrasound talks were on tornado infrasound measurements and their application to system identification

Sunday night OkState team meeting

September: NASA/DOE Roundtable

We participated in a roundtable on new ways to collaborate with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and DOE Undersecretary for Science Paul Dabbar, and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology's Ranking Member Frank Lucas

Congressman Frank Lucas, Prof Faruque, and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine

Summer seminars

August: Our research was highlighted in the ONR Science of Autonomy Review

June: Our research was highlighted in the ONR Bio-Inspired Autonomous Systems Review

May Storm season

Our infrasound team's new equipment was shared on Ch9 news 

April 2020 Awards

Our OSU-led team was selected for a NASA University Leadership Initiative studying Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Safety Assurance in UTM.

Tim Runnels' paper received a 3rd place award at the AIAA Region IV Student Conference.

Ethan Lane’s paper received the conference's 1st place award.  Ethan will advance to present his paper at the AIAA 2021 SciTech Forum.

March AIAA Student Conference

2 of our students are presenting papers at the AIAA Region IV Student Conference March 27-28, 2020

February 2020 Graduate research symposium

5 of our graduate students are presenting at the 2020 MAE Graduate Research Symposium on February 28, 2020. Ishriak Ahmed, Christian Coletti, Arif Billah, Saiful Islam, and Ujjval Patel

Summer 2019 Seminars:

Prof Faruque gave invited seminars as a keynote speaker at InfoAg Conference in St Louis and at Technical University of Munich's Flight Systems Dynamics Institute in July 2019.

New building (Nov 2019):

Grand opening for our new Excelsior building.

2019 ONR Young Investigator Award

Prof Faruque received the 2019 ONR Young Investigator Award, which supports our work on insect feedback in groups.  Reference: OSU news, ONR list of awardees