Faruque with students in autopilot class

Graduate Courses

Atmospheric Flight Control

20-seat graduate course with distance education sections, covering atmospheric gust modeling and vehicle response, operator theory, robust and output LQR feedback methods, linear matrix inequalities.

Optimal and Robust Control

20-seat graduate course with distance education sections, covering operator theory, principle of least action, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, robust feedback analysis and synthesis techniques including H∞, H2 and µ-synthesis, linear matrix inequalities
Faruque with autopilot students

Autopilot Design

27-seat graduate course applying guidance, navigation, and control theory to flight dynamics, including translation to software and hardware platforms and performance evaluation.
Aircraft system id example

System Identification

20-seat graduate course focused on time and frequency domain system identification for linear and nonlinear systems, with a focus on aircraft systems.


Landing aircraft

Flight Dynamics & Control

80 seat 4th year course, covering rigid body dynamics and aerodynamic modeling, linear MIMO systems analysis, modal responses, reduced order models, MIMO feedback control

Parking lot array

Engineering Analysis & Methods

110-seat 3rd year course. Typically taken in the first semester of professional school, this course instills fundamental analysis techniques from linear algebra, harmonic analysis, and numerical techniques. Delivering both in-class and online delivery sections allowed improved engagement.

Senior design airframe example

Senior Design

74-seat 4th year course. As the first semester of a senior capstone design sequence, this course applies tools from product and concept development, design, requirements definition, and design for manufacturing constraints. Aerospace and interdisciplinary sections are available.

Short & Non-traditional courses

Real Analysis

A small format short course that gives engineers an introduction to many of the mathematical axioms and analysis tools used in modern real analysis, and is especially targeted for early graduate students.

Honors Courses

Spring 2019-present: Honors components have been added to my undergraduate courses, providing honors students the opportunity to participate in mentoring, applied projects, and add an instructional component.